

I must tell you that I'm very pleased to have Sathyam Holidays planning our first trip to South Africa. Sathyam is knowledgeable, helpful and always responds very quickly to any questions I've had. This has been a very good experience and I'm sure our trip will be remarkable!


We had a wonderful time. We cannot say enough how well planned this was. Every tour guide or pick up/delivery people were always there on time. We never waited for anyone!!!
Food was amazing too. I think we all brought home a few pounds to prove that!!! Such a beautiful place......I definitely hope to do this trip again. Thanks again for all the help!!!

Krishna, Self Employed
Tamil Nadu

We had a great trip and appreciate all your hard work! It was fun and I would do it again! Again, thank you, thank you....It was a trip of a lifetime!!!!

Brand Strategist


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